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Signs and symptoms of depression:
 Depression is one of the most spread diseases in the whole world. A lot of people are suffering from this disease due to the stress and certain other factors faced by them in the daily life. There are many signs and symptoms which can easily show that a person is in a depression mode. Some of the symptoms and the signs of the depression condition are as following, feeling blue, loosing interest in the usual activities, fatigue, headache, significant increase or decrease in the appetite, a gain or loss of the weight, a tendency to isolate from the friends and the family. Some of the important signs and the symptoms of the depression are listed as following,
1.       Continuous sad and angry mood
2.       Having feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
3.       Loss of interest in the life and daily activities
4.       Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
5.       Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities
6.       Decreased energy, fatigue, being "slowed down"
7.       Difficulty in the concentrating, remembering, making decisions
8.       Difficulty in sleeping, or difficulty in the early morning awakening
9.       Appetite and/or weight changes
10.   Thoughts of death or suicide; suicide attempts
11.   Many other persistent physical and emotional symptoms
12.   Restlessness, irritability
Besides these there can be many other signs and symptoms with regard to the conditions and the circumstances in which a person is surrounded. Once noticed with these signs or the symptoms a person must be given proper treatment to prevent the depression from becoming chronic. There have been many treatments and the remedies which must be diagnosed by a specialist of the medicines in this regard.  One of the main thing to cure the depression is to keep the person in a stabilized mode of the mind as its only the mind game to prevent the further attack of the depression.


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