Obesity Linked with food in American Schools By Mahvisha Kanwal What’s the issue? In USA, elementary and primary schools takes the responsibility of providing a free lunch facility to the students. Although all of the schools have maintained the quality of food, but according to a recent study, almost one third of all the children and youth are considered as over-weight. The basic cause of this issue is that, the nutritional value of food is not being kept in mind by the school community. Another issue of increasing rate of obesity is that the schools food department attract the children by making yummy fast food which is for sure not healthy for the children. That’s why children like to eat food from the school cafe rather to bring from home. According to WhatsForLunchNYC.com , a New York City-based ...
What is EBOLA VIRUS disease? EBOLA VIRUS disease also known as Ebola Haemorrhagic fever is one of the most fatal and serious illness in this era. The first transmission of the virus to humans was from animals and then it continued from one one human to the others. The case fatality rate of this disease usually ranges from 25% to 90% in the past few outbreak, thus making it one of the most feared disease. It first out broke in the remote areas of the Africa, but recently it has also spread to the urban areas of the Africa. Ebola virus disease was noticed for the first time in 1976 in the village of Sudan. However, the recent breakout is on a massive level as it is causing a lot of deaths in the African countries like in Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone etc. The family of this virus consists of three genera which are Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, and Ebolavirus, Besides, there are five species that have been identified so far which are Cuevavirus, Marburgvirus, ...